
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Hardest Thing...

The hardest thing about blogging for Kate everday:
I want to pin things to blog about later, but if I do Kate will see them and the blog post won't be a surprise! Phew, I'm glad I got that off my chest. I have this constant internal struggle every time I pin something on my "Kate's Spam Filter" board. I should note that I'm talking about Pinterest. I trust we all know about the happiest place on the internet by now (if you want an invite we can hook you up).
Look at these darlings. I sat looking at them for a few minutes...
To pin or to blog...
(Note to Kate- I still don't condone berets on humans...sorry)
Do you bloggers out there ever struggle whether an event/picture/tutorial is blog worthy?


  1. Yes! It's so hard to decide what I should blog about and what I just want to share on pinterest, twitter, facebook or Google+. Ahh!!! So many social networks! It can be overwhelming...but also fun. :)

  2. Love the angry French cat! And I know what you mean about Pinterest! I often just "like" pins so I can go back and blog about them later...

  3. I don't go on pinterest as much as I'd like because I have to chase a kid around all day. Also, I use google chrome and it (or at least I can't figure it out) doesn't have a spot for the "pin it" button. So then I have to open firefox, which sucks, and yeah. It only happens once in a blue moon. Good thing I have this blog to read!

  4. Hey Leslie, I only use chrome and I have a pin button on there. I'm not sure how you would trouble shoot that problem, but it is possible.
