
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Belated Tea

While most of you were spending last weekend caught up in costumes and Halloween festivities (which I didn't actually partake in this year), I thought I'd share about a dress up event I participated in before my move! Yes - it may have taken me almost three months to spill the details of this one, but better late than never! Plus who doesn't love a full out tea party!? Just look at those lovely tea ensembles:

Oh man was it ever a good time! Sarra was nice enough to host the fabulous tea party and along with some help from her mom we had quite the spread of tea, accompanying finger foods and snacks, and gorgeous china:

It was wonderful to have one last get together before I had to pack my bags off to the coast (and boy do I ever miss those ladies) plus it let me jump on the opportunity to wear my tea hat:

Aww - aren't we sweet? It totally makes me want to start collecting fancy tea cups and saucer sets but I'm sure Fraser may have something to say about that (since we have ample tea pots and mugs already and full cupboards)...alas...a girl can dream! What do you think? When's the last time you had a tea party?


  1. Oh that was a long time ago, but lots of fun!

  2. Cute hats. Also, Lindsay's outfit confirms that you and she are, in fact, the same person.

  3. Yay that was so fun! I think WHEN (not if) you come back to visit this summer we should do it again. Second annual royal tea party!
