
Sunday, November 6, 2011

My new model

This weekend I made a bunch of scarves to ship to Frock (an awesome shop in downtown Kelowna) as part of my consignment bundle. Fraser offered to model them for me:

Very becoming don't you think? I'm not sure about his take on how to model all 12 (admittedly quite feminine looking) scarves, but you do get to see some of their great texture:

I think I might need to keep one for myself (okay, I've already set it aside...who am I kidding with the "might"), and add a little homemade neutral toned circle scarf texture to some of my fall/winter outfits! Hooray! Another layering piece (that doubles as a neck warmer)! Yay! What do you think of them? Should Fraser start rethinking his career choices? Any suggestions for how much I should charge for the scarves?


  1. They look nice and I will see them in person very soon.

  2. Hah! Toooootally something my hubby would do, too - boys. tsk tsk - lol. :) I do love their texture...they look really soft. :)

  3. I'm not sure that the "Man of Steel" pose works for feminine scarves, but I do like the layering and textures. Fraser's choice of shirt colour is very effective as well. That Fine Arts degree is paying off in spades :) They're great! Hope I'm getting one for xmas!

  4. scarves are pricey. I might even up my thrifty ways and push close to 26$ (but I always come under)

  5. The camera loves him! ~_^ The scarves look great too! I would say about $30 for a scarf? Of course it depends on the type of yarn it is made with ... I'm sure they'll sell well anyway! ^_^

  6. I was going to say about the same as everyone above price wise! The layered look is tres fancy! Are those knitted? Love them at any rate!
