
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Rachel's Bow Garland

Since moving to Victoria, I have yet to find time in my new schedule for daily blog reading. I'm not sure if it's my early mornings, unorganized craft/computer room, or illness to blame - but I just can't seem to find space in my life for sifting through blog posts. If any of you bloggers out there have noticed my absence on commenting, trust me - it isn't due to lack of trying! When I finally get around to blog reading I find I have somewhere along the lines of 1500+ posts to catch up on which is entirely too daunting and usually leads to me pressing the sanity (a.k.a "mark all blog posts as read") button. Alas.

Once in a while I do find a moment to catch up and am always so thrilled to see what is new in blogland! One project I'm positively in love with is this fantastic bow garland Rachel from Smile and Wave made:

It may be the monochromatic vintage fabric talking, but this garland is perfect! Just check out those colours, patterns, and shapes! I really like how simple and girly it looks without going over the top. Could you imagine this in a little girls room? OoO! Or maybe stringing out from a pom pom light center piece? I may just need to make one of these for my craft booth! What do you think? Anyone out there saving fabric scraps?


  1. Very cute. It would dress up a little girl's room.

  2. Not my style, though I do appreciate the fabric. It might suit me more as little flags or velociraptors.

  3. This is *adorable*. I love the banner/garland type of things but have never seen one made with small bows like this. I agree, quite a clever use of scrap fabric.
