
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

a whale of a time!

Hello! I'm very excited to announce that my parents are coming to visit Fraser and I (well...mostly me) today! You know what that means? I spent last night cleaning my craft mess up from every corner of the house and didn't have time to write a long meaningful blog post! In anticipation for the whale of a time we will be having this week (yes, I like puns...) here is a cute denim whale for you:

Isn't he adorable? I love the denim on denim texture and colour so much! The stitching is even cute! Best of all? There is lovely blog post explaining how to make your very own! Hooray! Minor setback - the instructions aren't in English, but you're smart. I'm sure you can figure it out! Happy Tuesday! What are your plans for the week?


  1. If i liked sea creatures I would totally make one... Now if there was a Beagle...

  2. that whale is so pretty(:
    have fun with your parents!

    Carmila P

  3. Such a cute whale!

    Also, *ahem* they are coming to visit "Fraser and ME" since "I" is the subjective case, and you aren't the subject of the sentence, meaning you needed to use the objective case, which is "me", yadda, yadda, yadda....

    My plans for the rest of the week are to take Jean swimming and to Strong Start (the source of all pestilence and contagion in the known universe), then deal with my baby, who is guaranteed to get sick at Strong Start. Also, I'm crocheting up a hipster headphones toque for my little beanie, which is super awesome. You're probably going to get sent pictures of it in all it's pink and lime green glory. I'm also going to yoga, the Remembrance Day assembly at the cenotaph in Smithers, Mother Goose, and a 1-year-old's birthday/campfire. How awesome is this week???

  4. Yay! I hope you have a great time with your parents!

    This week I plan to do some shopping for Christmas presents, finish crocheting a birthday present, and plant a herb garden. I don't know if this will all happen, but I am going to give it a go! ^_^

    That whale is so cute, btw. But a little sad looking, as I think all whales are.
