
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Crochet Must.

I may not be requiring a nursery any time soon, but I certainly think I need to get myself some crocheted lamp shades. Seriously - what could be better? These things are amazing:

Oooo! The texture! The colours! The yarn-y goodness! I'm just smitten! I think these would be just perfect in the craft room (perhaps as part of a tissue pom pom light piece?). Looks like I need to work on my popcorn stitch and get practicing! What do you think? Have you ever made your own lampshade (and how dusty do you think these would get)?

1 comment:

  1. Riann has embroidered/cross stitched some amazing lampshades. I'm not a fan of those colours for a nursery, but I like the idea. Also, that's the worst crib I've ever seen? Seriously, it looks SOOOO dangerous! It's a cross between a wagon and a soapbox derby car but without the steering wheel! I like the letter N though. And the stars.
