
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Road Trip: Got Craft?

This past weekend Fraser and I decided to take a wee trip to Vancouver to attend what we've heard is the best craft show of the year: Got Craft?! Fraser's parents ended up being at the coast with conferences so we made what was originally going to be a one day excursion into a bit longer of a trip! Yay! We ferried across to the mainland Saturday, met up with Fraser's wonderful parents, and stayed in night in Richmond! We woke up to a fantastic Sunday - just look at that sunrise:

Even though I was awake at 4am (that's what I get for switching my schedules to early mornings), I tried my best to enjoy a restful morning and by 8am I was all jersey cottoned up for the show:

I certainly can't get enough of no waistbands! With the lovely suggestion from Rebecca (of we are large people), I layered up with double tights, a slip, undershirt, and cardigan and my once summery dark purple dress was winter ready! And boy is my hair ever getting long! I guess that's what happens when you don't get a haircut in 6 months. After a nice visit with Fraser's family we were off to East Van for the craft show! Although this picture doesn't quite show how packed it was, trust me, it was busy:

Got Craft turned out to be a super fun little show full of super amazing artisans! I picked up a few little things I couldn't pass up, and got loads of ideas for craft displays and supply sources! Fraser even got himself something so it was fun for all! They had a DIY table where you got to make your own felt bow which is an extra dose of fun for the day - and although I'm not into line ups, they had some fun giveaways to spice it up just a dash more! Then it was back to the ferry (and some more crib games) for the trip home and end to a lovely weekend! OoO! And now I'm almost finished up my xmas shopping! How did you spend your weekend? Prepared for the holidays yet?


  1. It sounds like fun! I would love to go to a big craft show some time.

  2. Long hair! It hasn't been that long since you were in early elementary school. Maybe you should do a fountain ponytail on the top of your head once in a while for old time's sake :) Hehehe. Hope the fair was fun!
