
Saturday, December 31, 2011

So Long 2011

Oh my does time ever fly! With 2012 peeking just around the corner I thought I'd reminisce and share some of my favourite blog moments from each month of 2011! Let's go!

In January I had the painstaking task of completing my rain themed book for the sketchbook project. It quickly turned into a hugely daunting and insanely time consuming challenge (hence not participating in this year's project) but it felt so good to finish it off! You can check out the whole book in the three part blog series (link 1, link 2, link 3) or just take a look at one of my fav pages:

In February I decided to take part in the 2011 project restyle, and upcycled an old pesto jar into an adorable doily/fox cactus pot! I'm happy to say the little stolen cactus bit is at least doubled in size and although the paper pot covering is a little on the faded side, it still looks great! Yay!

By the time March came around it was time for me to get my crafty preparation on! I signed up for another Fabulous Finds craft show in Kelowna and totally destroyed my left wrist crafting up a storm (on dear)! I added a few new items to my booth and even whipped up some fun new packaging:

The craftiness continued on in April when I challenged myself to make a brooch a day for an entire week! I totally fell in love with all the wool felt I used and came up with a selection of fun accessories:

Apparently I had too much fun that month, since I also really wanted to show you a peek at my pom pom soot sprites I made for our house:

In May I had the wonderful pleasure of cruising up the west coast with Fraser! We had one heck of a time (my first visit to American soil) and made lots of awesome memories. I also prepared 12 whole days of mini break crafts to keep you occupied while I vacationed. How nice!

Summer hit us in June and I had a wonderful month discovering the wonders of thrift shopping in Kamloops! I had a blast hanging out with some lovely ladies (who I miss dearly btw) and starting my very own vintage pyrex collection!

By the time July hit, summer was in full swing, and I was busy spending each Saturday downtown selling my crafty goods at the Artisan Market! It also marked my very first outfit post (which I enjoy oh so much making) and the release of the last Harry Potter movie! Sarra had a wonderful HP themed party giving me the perfect excuse to share my outfit (including upcycled skirt):

In August I was busier than ever making a new line of yarn themed illustrated goods, keeping up with my Saturday markets, and getting ready for our big move to Victoria by the end of the month. In attempt to lure in some pen pals (which, actually didn't prove to be very successful) I made up little address tags with buttons on them to give out to my very much missed Kamloops friends:

By the time September rolled around my stress level reached a new high as I tried to settle into our new city and deal with some intense immune system failures. I also got the wonderful pleasure of attending the Rifflandia Music Festival with some friends and apparently didn't write a single blog post worth posting a picture from. Alas.

Lindsay was kind enough to take over my blogging duties for the month of October and boy did she ever do a great job! Lots of kitties, Kate-like projects, and links during that month and further proof that she is one great friend:

November marked my return to the blogging world and my attempt at being healthy here in Victoria. I suffered from a severe Pinterest addiction (including a post where I revealed the three best things I've ever learned on the internet). I finally got the house settled a smidge and got into a bit of a routine with work too! Yay! I even managed to fit some crocheting in and made my very own giant doily:

At last December hit and the countdown was on to go home for the holidays! Fraser and I stretched our baking skills and made a whole slew of xmas cookies to share (including my much loved and coveted chai eggnog recipe):

With it all summed up like that 2011 sure looks great and boy what a wonderful year it was! I'm really hoping that 2012 will bring just as many fabulous memories and (hopefully) some good health so I can keep up with my blogging. After two (almost three) years of daily posts I fear I won't be able to continue with that challenge, but I do hope to share loads of fun links, pictures, projects, outfits, and fun craftiness for another awesome year! How about you? What are you looking forward to in 2012?


  1. Nice! I was wondering where you got the grey stuffed owl? Was that an etsy purchase?

  2. I got both of my stuffed owls at craft shows. The denim larger one was from Fabulous Finds in Kelowna and the smaller grey one is from Track and Field Designs in Vancouver. I think they list their owls on etsy though so I'm sure you could find one!

  3. That doily is so fabulous that I may just have to make one for myself, even though I'm not a doily fan by any stretch of the imagination. Maybe Jean will be, since she's already having frizzy hair problems, which means she's got lots in common with you. Have I mentioned that she needs her auntie to come teach her how to deal with hair that likes to fluff and frizz and generally not behave?

    Oh, the chai eggnog cookies. Two batches in as many days. YUM!

    Need more pictures from Victoria during 2012! I know so little about where you like to go. Maybe some virtual walking tours? Picture of shops you like? Pretty please? Then we can go to all those places when I come visit! (And you can fix Jean's hair while we're there.)
