
Friday, January 6, 2012

Friday Find: Gemagenta

Nothing like a little handmade jewelry to perk up a raining Friday! This week's find is the lovely hand cut silver goods of Gemagenta. Full of tiny details, symmetry and asymmetry, and some geometric charm - these pieces are sure to make you swoon. Take a peek:

I may be more of a gold person, but I am totally in love with each and every one of the silver items in this shop! I love the facets on the silver gem shapes and the tiny tear drop cut outs is almost doily-esque. Oh my! I think the lingerie inspired ring is my absolute favourite, but it is tough call - what do you think? Too bad my new year budgeting doesn't have room for a few splurge items, but with reasonable pricing and ample shipping time these would make great Valentine's gifts! What are you up to this weekend?


  1. Those are very cool! And silver :) I think I like the little gemstone pins (brooches?) the most. And you don't have to buy them for Valentine's Day - after all, my birthday is in March! Hee hee.

  2. Oh, these are lovely! My favourites are the gemstone brooches too ^_^ My weekend is half gone already ; _ ; ... today I cleaned, tomorrow I craft! And go and see the new Sherlock Holmes movie - can't wait! ^_^
