
Friday, January 27, 2012

Friday Find: Made by Anna

Today's find is none other than the fantastic brooch wonderfulness of Etsy's Made by Anna. If I have ever fallen for laser cut pins before, it was nothing when compared to these lovelies. Take a gander:

Oh! The colours, subject matter, shapes, and awesomeness! I'm positively smitten. Here is an instance where I legitimately can't decide which one I like best (and I always have an opinion)! Eek! I'm in love. Yet another situation where everything is better from the UK. Good work Anna Betts, you rock! So what do you think? Can you pick a favourite?


  1. I think the pear is my favourite... no the kettle, er... the coral... GAHHHH!!! You're right! They're all so great! The photography is swoonworthy as well!

  2. Those are lovely!! The kettle is my favorite ~ heavy tea drinker :)

  3. Oh, gosh, how to pick a favourite?! They are wonderful ^_^

  4. They are beautiful <3 I would love to have one

    Have a lovely weekend Kate(:


  5. I am definitely adding this shop to my favorites! I love it! Thanks for sharing. :-)
