
Sunday, January 29, 2012

I may have over done it...

Unlike my usual "find a cute tutorial and never get around to trying it," I went crochet crazy yesterday! Once I made one heart I just couldn't stop - take a peek at my morning accomplishment:

Eee! So many cute pink hearts! I'm hoping to put most of them together in one big fantastic project but I'm a little undecided on what that will be yet. I did enjoy using them as handmade heart confetti to throw at Fraser (which I'm sure he was just thrilled about). I really like the idea of using them as decoration on a valentine and am really fond of the mid tone coral the best:

I fell for that heart so much I put a pin on it!

Hooray! A lovely cotton crochet pin perfect for the yarn craving winter months and upcoming Valentine's! I can't wait for some more sunny spring weather to pop in so I can sport this baby on a cardigan! I made a matching pin for Fraser to wear on his nice black coat for Valentines too. Perhaps not the most masculine of lapel wear, but Fraser is a great sport and is loving and supportive of my craftiness. Heck - maybe it will be the new trend in 31 year old males! Yipee! What do you think I should do with the rest of the hearts I made?


  1. heart garlands, heart curtains a la beaded curtains. sewn together to make a doily, long strands to make a scarf or a table runner, sewn together to make a tube for a writs cuff or a coffee cup sleeve...

  2. he he...I went through a heart phase last year and ended up making garlands with them from an existing granny triangle pattern - they look *really* cute strung up, especially on non-traditional colors,'s a link for you:

    Happy crocheting!

  3. I did exactly the same when I worked out how to make crochet hearts too. Somewhere I have a huge pile of them that I haven't done anything else with! Quite like Michelle's idea of hearts on a string... Good luck with working out what to do!

  4. So cute! ^_^ Did you have any trouble with the pattern? I tried to do it and just couldn't get it right >_< It is probably just me being dumb, but it was like I had too many stitches because when I was only meant to have half a heart, I was 3/4 around instead. Does that make sense? Probably not! Oh, well, I guess I will just have to keep on trying until mine look as good as yours! ^_^

    1. Lisa! I messed the pattern up the first time I tried it too. Maybe try this simplified pattern and see if that works:

      Chain 4, Work 3 triple crochets into first chain, then work 3 double crochets into that same first chain, ch 1, triple crochet into first chain (this is the bottom tip of the heart), then just mirror the first half with a ch 1, 3 double crochets into first chain, 3 triple crochets into first chain, and finish with 3 chains that slip stitch into the middle!

      Okay, that sounds more confusing than it actually is. Try it out a few times and I'm sure you'll get it!

      Good luck!

  5. I do the same thing! Once I start I can't stop making the hearts!!!

  6. Cute! Make them into pins and give them to random strangers on the street :)

  7. These are so cute! I can't believe you just learned how to make them.

  8. Adorable! I like how you have varying shades of pink.

  9. Who wouldn't love having crocheted heart confetti thrown at them!?
