
Saturday, January 21, 2012

In the marmalade forest

As you may recall, I made some felt Albi magnets back in May when I went on my cruise. They were a ton of work (with lots of tiny stitching details and pieces) and loads of fun to make! I've had a few people email me asking me to make more of these lovely geeky pals so I figured I'd try to please the masses (and my masses I mean two people...) and make some! Let me reunite you with Albi and his friends the badly burned Albainian boy from the day before and the dragon tear turned rainbow jelly bean that put an end to racism:

Aren't they fun? Very similar to the polymer clay magnet set I used to make, but considerably less messy. I also appreciate not having to wait for paint to dry and sculpy to bake. Take a peek at my sculpted version:

Hehe! Those sets were enormously popular a few years back when Flight of the Conchords was still on tv. I think I saturated the handmade FOTC loving market and now I just get a few random die hard fans looking for their own Albi set. I do however still love the heartwarming tale of anti racism just as much as ever and made three new felt sets to list:

Yay! One set is already on its way to its new home in Australia while the other two wait patiently in my craft room to be adopted!

As for me, I'm off spending the day with my family who have come to visit (so no FOTC marathons in my immediate future). How are you spending the weekend?


  1. I don't know what Albi is, but these are reeeeally sweet!

  2. Yay! A GOOD song in my head after reading one of your post titles :)

    I love Albi et al, especially my jelly bean all the colours of the rainbow.

    This weekend I'm shoveling the tonne of snow that has fallen, watching a basketball tournament (and visiting Ruben and Kris) and HOPEFULLY cleaning up a little before Mom and Uncle Gary arrive. Yipes!

  3. Your sculpted version is very pretty - but I am with you on the messyness factor. Felt is my favourite thing to work with ^_^ My weekend is almost over ... but I cleaned, went to the gym, knitted, and read; later today I am having an afternoon tea so I will be making cupcakes! Yum ^_^

  4. have fun with your family! I am spending the weekend with a box of Kleenex, Miso soup, and a bottle of NyQuil. Pin that to my recipe board!
