
Sunday, January 8, 2012

So much for productivity...

Yesterday morning I woke up hoping to have an ultra productive day. This quickly shifted into pain, the clinic, and then the hospital. Hooray for public health care! Luckily the pain turned out to be much less serious than the clinic had lead on, so I'm back home and on the mend! Since snail mail is far from speedy I thought I'd share someone else's get well card they made and pretend it is something I received instead! Just check out those layered paper squares and little anthropomorphic kleenex box:

Isn't it adorable? As for the state of my health, it turned out I tore most of the muscles on the right side of my abdomen. Because the source of the pain is exactly the same as where my appendix is (and combined with my usual nausea and dizziness) I was sent to the hospital for blood work. What a way to spend the weekend! Fortunately the potential appendicitis turned out to be torn muscles (yay!!). Now I just have 3-4 weeks for the muscles to heal and then I can start back on my new years trip to weight loss! Rats to the set back and ab pain (you don't realize how much you use those stomach muscles until you tear them) but I am so pleased it wasn't something worse. How is your Sunday going?


  1. Oh no! Sorry your weekend was ruined and you've had to deal with such pain. Happy healing :)

  2. I wrote you a letter this morning then, this afternoon wondered why you hadn't replied...snail mail is sneaky!

  3. Oh, that sucks Kate - I hope you get much better very soon! The card is very cute though ^_^

  4. Boo! Maybe you should do old lady yoga and water aerobics!

  5. How did I miss this? I hope you heal quickly! Take care. Love Mom
