
Saturday, January 14, 2012

To the Museum!

Last week while my good pal Jim was visiting we took a trip downtown to check out the BC Royal Museum. Leslie (my ever lovin' sis) always tells me how I never seem to take many pictures of myself out doing things so I thought this would be the perfect opportunity! As it turns out, I am pretty unphotogenic and the dim lighting of the museum is not the easiest to take pictures in. Alas - Jim and I had a great time! Here I am on the walk there doing a traditional tourist pose in front of the parliament buildings:

Some very nice old men greeted us when we arrived and told us we had to check out the chubby bird photographs in the National Geographic photography display that was currently going on. How great! I love little chubby birds! Unfortunately I couldn't take any shots of that exhibit, but it was certainly worth the trip! Now onto the rest of the museum...

I quickly realized that I really enjoy the natural history part the best (just like my trip to the natural history museum in LA last May) and the actual "history" part (which was all first nations and early 1900's stuff) is totally not my cup of tea. Oh well, a little something for everyone right? I managed to take a few pictures of the most well light parts of the super awesome natural history floor! If I didn't know any better I would totally think these were actual animals (not taxidermied) in their habitats! Check out mountain lion:

and black bear:

They also had some really cool ocean-like displays (that I didn't get any good images of). I had no idea sea lions could be so enormous! This would be a super fun place to take some biology loving kids since every corner was oozing super fun information! They even had a huge underwater wall with loads of critters to check out!

The most famous of the Royal Museum's displays has to be the woolly mammoth, and for good reason! He is super impressive! I'm totally in love with this picture I took (on my phone too!):

After meandering through the rest of the exhibits (and the whole third floor of actual history stuff) we came back to check out the owls again! I just couldn't stay away! It is so neat to be able to see them all close up! Take a peek at snowy owls:

or how about the super tiny adorableness of barn owls?:

That's pretty much the only picture of Jim I was able to nab, but I do enjoy how it turned out. I really wanted to get a good one of me in front of the owls, but no such luck. In fact, we took about 45 pictures of me by them and this is the best of the bunch. Please note how super creepy the owl glare is behind me:

Watch out! That owl has his eye on you! Hehe. It was certainly a great trip and I cant wait for more museum loving friend to visit so I can take them there! I wonder if baby Jean would appreciate it? What do you think? Are you a museum goer?


  1. Yes! I turn into a curious kid every time I go to a natural history or science museum. Looks like you guys had fun!!

  2. This is my favourite museum of them all. Though I really like the 1900's stuff and could spend the whole day in the silent movie theatre. I thought you were trying to be like an owl in that last picture.

  3. Looks like I should have gone with you instead of sleeping in...:P The animal habitat photo's are my favorite, they look almost like the real thing!


  4. I really like the stuff you said you don't. Maybe Lindsay and I should go there together sometime and leave you with the creepy birds. Speaking of creepy, are you sure it's the bird in the background that's creepy, and not the "bird" in the foreground? Heh heh. Seriously, that's just the jealousy speaking. I love that museum. (Also, you might be right about the non-photogenic, though more likely it's just the photographer).

  5. For the record, by the time we got to the history part I was feeling green. Then when we went through the first nations stuff I just thought how the museum in Skidegate was so much better. I probably would have enjoyed the 1900s stuff but was in a rush to get home and get to bed! Another time I guess...

  6. The Kaay is pretty amazing, though I loved the scale model they've got of Skedans at the Royal BC. Mostly because I want to make scale models!
