
Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Why happy February lovely blog readers! With January flying by at record speed, I am ready for this month to the start with loads of fun and productivity! It is also a month for....asparagus!:

Oh I really like this months vintage food poster (and I love any excuse to eat more asparagus!) Nummers! Since we're on the vintage (and February) topic anyways - check out the amazing downloadable valentines Kate of Scathingly Brilliant shared:

Yup! Vintage cuteness and kittens! Double win! Plus although I am not a strong supporter of singles awareness day (a.k.a. Valentine's), I do like the excuse to make heart themed crafts! Hooray!

I'm happy to announce a new February playlist on the right side bar. I completely skipped updating it last month (if anyone noticed...) since I didn't seem to spend any time in my craft (and thus computer) room. I guess all my visiting and healing means all lap top time for me and since Fraser's lovely portable computer is ancient, it isn't up to date with my current music crushes. I also feel that this month is all about singing with your eyes closed so I selected a few favourites for just such circumstances. Mind you...I rarely need an excuse for that...

As far as other things going on this month, it's my mom's birthday, reading break for Fraser, and (extra exciting!!!) a car load of lovely ladies coming to visit me on the 23rd! Yipee! Friends! I can't wait! What about you? What do you have planned for February?


  1. I do love asparagus!!!


  2. Today I started school again, the first day of my last semester O_o So lots of things for february, even a craft show!
    I will check out your playlist(;
    Have the best month, Kate!

  3. YAY!!!! I'm coming to see you sooo soon!
