
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Go to Movies

Fraser and I don't have cable tv. Not only does it really not fit into out limited budget, but the idea of me spending huge amounts of time being brainwashed by advertisements and commercials is less than appealing. Don't get me wrong, there is a huge number of quality programming out there, I just prefer to watch it at my leisure on dvd!

Our dvd collection seems to be ever growing and nothing is more comforting than curling up with pjs, blankets, tea, and a favourite film. I certainly have a few "go to movies" I seem to watch endlessly and they always seem to make everything better! Last night Fraser and I decided to have a low key celebration for the arrival of the weekend and ended spending the evening with some old friends:

*Sigh* Fraser always teases me about how I can never stay awake through a whole movie (which, by the way, he may be accurate about), but sometimes that is just what you need! Feeling crummy? Snuggle up with some heartwarming Hogwarts adventures! Yay! Not in an HP mood? How about picking any of my favourites from my "I feel sort of cruddy and want to lay on the couch and get better" movies:

- Indiana Jones (preferably the 1st and 3rd)
- Bye Bye Birdie
- Back the the Future (also the 1st and 3rd...)
- Grease
- Pretty much any Elvis movie
- Gidget!

Okay, so apparently I like to watch family adventure films and 60s musicals. Oh well - it does the trick on my sick days! What about you? What movies do you watch when you're feeling ill or looking for a comforting evening?


  1. I love back to the future! when im feeling sick I like to watch comedy, like "when harry met sally" love actually" and I love all woody allen's movies <3 oh and also I like to watch breakfast at tiffanys, sabrina or funny face, love audrey hepburn too(:

    Have an awesome movie weekend kate!


  2. Oh I love romantic comedies and Audrey Hepburn too! Sabrina and Roman Holiday are my favs!

  3. I love Harry Potter! ^_^ When I'm sick I like to watch action movies or comedies ... my favourite is Hot Fuzz because it ticks both boxes! ^_^

  4. ....Yay, Grease! It's one of my favorites...also, Top Gun. I also watch 'A Lot Like Love' (this really cheesy funny love story), 'Little Miss Sunshine' a lot... :) he he.

  5. What is it with the second movie in trilogies? The only one I can think of off the top of my head that I liked is Lord of the Rings.

  6. When I'm feeling sad and down on myself I like to revisit childhood and watch the princess diaries (either one or both). If I'm ill I like to watch the last holiday (with queen latifa) or auntie mame (with Rosalind Russell). Those ones always make me feel better. Also, I <3 Netflix Soooo much. I dislike cable too because of the commercials and excessive reality tv so I like watching seasons in chunks over a few days. Much more satisfying.
