
Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Once in a while I run across craft projects that are so awesome that they completely devour my conscience and stick in my mind for days. In fact, when I came across these adorable socktopuses (socktopi?) on flickr I fell in love:


Oh their stripes, felt eyes, and adorable jersey cotton legs! No wonder I dreamed about making these. I promptly woke up and wondered where I found such cook stray socks for the octopi to realize that I dream crafted them. Rats. Looks like I need to keep my eyes peeled for cute socks like the ones I created in my mind. What do you think? My niece totally needs a flock of socktopi right?


  1. How adorable! I wonder if Percy would like one? I'll have to keep my eyes open for some cute sox. Mom

  2. Cute!! I really like the stripy black one ^_^

  3. What a cute idea! I'm really into octopuses right now, this is on my octopus craft list. :)

  4. How do you make these? Bamboo would love on :)
