
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Family Portraits

When Lindsay came to visit me this past fall (for Rifflandia), we did a fair bit of shopping around town. I was pretty set on finding budget art for the new walls of my apartment and picked up some funny animal portrait postcards from The Milkman's Daughter (sister shop to Smoking Lily). I instantly fell in love with the bizarre human bodied creatures and bought a few black frames from the dollar store. I added in a little scrap card for matting and hung them up in the hall:

Because there is no natural light source in the hallway (it's on the inside of the apartment building) the pictures I've taken aren't quite up to my standards, but it does conceal how cheap and plastic the frames are. Total cost for the project = $11.13, and took me all of 15 minutes to execute. Perfect!

I later happened to stumble across the original source of the postcards and discovered that I am far from the first person to consider these as wall art! Angela of Beat Up Creations is all about taking abandoned and unloved china and jazzing them up with her odd human bodied animal portraits! To my surprise, she has a whole selection of other picture day series postcards that I am dying to get my hands on! Looks like I need to buy another set of postcards and continue the family portrait art fun into another room in my home! Hooray! What do you think? Have you ever turned cards into inexpensive artwork?


  1. Queen Nadira of Persia is amazing.

  2. I turned into "artwork" some posters that i bought in paris a long time ago and also used cheap frames(; It turned out really pretty I think, I did it for my worspace mayebe Ill show you sometime(;
    Yours look pretty great too (as far as I can see:p)

    have a lovely day, kate!(:


  3. I'm pretty sure I did the same thing in my youth. I can't remember the subjects now. I think it was Beatles related.

  4. Almost all of the artwork in our house is cheap. Well, except the paintings people have given us and Neal's photography, which is actually very expensive, but only costs the price of supplies for us. I like those portraits. They're cheeky and quirky.

  5. Very nice blog,I later occurred to fall across the unique resource of the post cards and found that I am far from the first individual to consider these as walls art.I am very impressed with your blog so keep posting on
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