
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Fold Over Clutches for all!

After having an influx of payments in my PayPal account I thought I'd treat myself to a little etsy shopping. This quickly lead me directly to Bookhou's shop and this lovely silkscreened fold over clutch made it right into my online shopping cart:

I totally love the contrast of the prints used and the amazing colours and linen (I am a sucker for linens...). When it arrived it was even more spectacular than I had imagined and it went directly into weekly use! The fold over pattern is surprisingly fun since you can fit a fair bit in the pouch (like my hefty change purse and phone) and it still folds into a nice little non shoulder hurting bag! What fun!

Well - as you can imagine, I thought it was be fun to make another fold over clutch (perhaps with some of my Smoking Lily printed scraps?) and Fab Handmade has the perfect tutorial for doing so! Check it out:

Alright - so it may not be quite as impressive as the warm lighting in Bookhou's image - but it is pretty close! This bag looks super simple to make and I love the inside pockets from the DIY! Looks like I've got another project on the crafty to do list. What do you think? Craving a fold over clutch?

1 comment:

  1. Although these are super awesome and I totally want to make one using the tutorial, I think I'm going to have to stage a clutch intervention for you. And get you to sign up for clutch addicts anonymous. It's a 12 step program. Step one is give your sister some of your clutches!
