
Saturday, March 24, 2012

It's that time again - Art Card Time!

Guess what? It's spring! No better way to celebrate than with your very own spring themed collectable art card right? I thought so. Amanda from Ulixis Crafts is hosting a great spring art card (ACEO - art cards, editions, and originals) exchange (version 4.0) and (of course) I'm signed up!

Hooray! If you're unfamiliar with art cards, not to worry - they're basically just a little piece of created art in 2.5 x 3.5" form! Easy enough right? So it's the perfect chance for you to create a little piece of something special to send off to a stranger from somewhere in the world and get your own collectable card in return! What fun! You've got until the 26th to sign up (so get on it and join in!). I totally love participating in these exchanges and can't wait to get started on this one! Here are the last cards I've made for ATC swaps:

Hehe! I really like experimenting with different techniques and media and already have a few ideas cooking for my spring card. So are you up for the challenge?


  1. Thanks for promoting ACEO-X! I'm really looking forward to it! I'm the proud owner of that wonderful fall-themed art & that tea-themed one is absolutely adorable!

  2. This sounds great Kate! i Will participate too! Thanks for sharing it (:

    Have a lovely weekend(:


  3. Maybe I'll give it a try again... Especially now that I have a little more time to participate. I am still totally in love with your mushroom one. Sigh.

  4. Too cute, I love the radish, beat, and carrot one :-)

    Runaway Thrift is having a giveaway throughout March 29th, check it out!
