
Monday, March 5, 2012


Hooray! At long last I finally got around to listing some of my previously unavailable illustrated goods in my Etsy shop! I've been sitting on these yarn themed gems since the end of the summer and am so pleased to get them photographed and posted. Buttons are truly one of the hardest things I've ever tried to take pictures of, and with the limited natural light of winters in rainy Victoria it only makes things extra challenging. Luckily Fraser was kind enough to make me my own light box and with a little lamp rearranging in our living room (and photoshop) I've got images for them:

What do you think? The pins actually look much nicer (and crisper) in real life but it is so hard to get the right balance with their super shiny surfaces. I am quite pleased with how they turned out in the long run - and I even listed my new knitting and crochet cat themed pocket mirrors too. I went with pictures of me holding the mirrors for their front image in the shop since they seemed to turn out the best and have that added "handmade" quality since you get a glimpse of the hands that made them:

Ahaha. That crochet MC Hammer mirror is totally my favourite (even though I haven't managed to sell any yet). I also took the opportunity to take some pics of my deluxe scientist magnet set I designed quite a while ago:

Yup, you can really show off your science geekiness now with the extended set of magnets (that now include new additions Rosalind Franklin and Sir Isaac Newton). Yay! But we're not finished there - I also snapped shots of my veggie pins too! Hooray for productivity and etsy listings!

Yipee! I feel so accomplished for listing so many new items in the shop and even though it ate up my entire Saturday (yes, it was that time consuming) I think it was worth it. Now to wait and see if any of them sell! What do you think? Which is your favourite of my newly listed designs?


  1. Gosh, I love the "Too Legit to Knit." So precious. I love these! I commend you. I procrastinate on photographing and listing on Etsy, too. I need to get on it!

  2. The person who wrote before me sure has "McCurrach" names even if one is spelled differently. Oh! Your photos look great. It is snowing again in Kamloops. Yuck!!! I want some heat in the days to come. Love Mom

  3. I think I love the naughty kitties and the wool-producing animals equally. I mean, who doesn't need an alpaca pin-backed button?

  4. I love the crochet cat! ^_^ I also really like the balls of yarn, especially their woolly appendages ^_^

  5. The scientist magnets are awesome! Marie Curie is my favorite scientist :) I love science + cute too ... and there isn't nearly enough of it on the internet. Love your blog and shop!
