
Saturday, March 10, 2012

a very special etsy request

Once in a while I get messages on etsy asking for special orders. Even though I would love to accept every one, unfortunately some of them are outside my creative reaches. The other day however, I got one request that was easy to fill and boy was it ever fun! Two wonderful scientists from Edinburgh asked me to make individually packaged magnets as favours for their wedding reception guests! I was so stoked to jump on the order and printed out some special mini "thanks for coming" cards:

Yay! The perfect size for one of the science geek themed magnets Emma chose (robots, dinoaurs, and scientists)! Take a peek:

So much fun! I love the idea of having little illustrated magnets as wedding favours and (of course) am extra thrilled that they chose me to make them! Of course I did have some help making such a massive order...

Yay! Pajama magnet making party with Fraser! What a great guy he is (and ever so helpful)! Thanks Fraser! and thanks to Emma for letting me take part in your magical sciencey wedding! What do you think? What would your ideal wedding favour be?


  1. how sweet!!!!!!
    I got married almost 13 years ago and didn't have any idea on how to put together a wedding! But if I could go back in time I would have given out mini starwars lego figures!! My husband's uncle changed out the music we walked out to and we walked out to the star wars theme! It was fun and awesome!

  2. Those are so awesome! What a great idea. I know if felt good to help make their big day special. :) I wish I had planned favors for our wedding. (We planned and executed said love fest in less than 3 months and some things fell by the wayside.)

  3. If you and Fraser have a wedding, you should have star wars lego robot magnet clutch favours! And kitties on the top of the cake!

  4. I think that the kittens on top of the cake were decided a long time ago. :)

  5. Yay - what an awesome wedding that you got to be a part of! (I assume any wedding that includes robots, dinosaurs, and scientists is an amazing one ...) For our wedding we gave out 'bouquets' of sandalwood incense sticks, mainly because my dad's friend makes them. I don't know what I would choose if I could go back in time ... maybe something handmade? Handmade is always awesome! ^_^

  6. WOW! International! I am sure the guests will love the theme. ....I wonder how the church or reception place will be it will be decorated.

  7. we had favours for only the kids, Candy Kabobs!!
