
Sunday, April 1, 2012


Well lovely blog friends, it's April. Spring is coming into full swing and it's about time to think about taxes (eugh). To save myself from the torment of last minute number crunching, I've decided to get my taxes done early this year and am pleased to say I even stuck to that goal! And what have I discovered from all my receipts and tax information? I am broke. Okay, not eating nothing but ketchup soup and saltines broke, but with Fraser in school and me being the bread winner I'm certainly not at an income level where I can afford a ton of frivolities. Time for me to work in a new (much) tighter and budget and try out something new out here on the blog - sponsorship!

You may have noticed I've deleted my blog soundtrack (which, although I quite enjoyed, was getting a little stale) and replaced it with ad spots and my lovely robot friend Al who is so kindly linking you to my advertisement page:

I'm trying out three available sizes of ad spots with all the details outlined on the information page. It also meant I got to play with photoshop a bit and make a lovely image of muted rainbow colours:

I'm hoping my prices are reasonable enough to stir up a little income that I'll be taking and throwing right back into the blog! Hooray! I've already been brainstorming loads of projects I'd love to try out on here and hopefully make more tutorials and (drum roll please....) giveaways! Yipee!

I realize that April 1st isn't the best date to roll out ad spots so to start us off (and no, this wouldn't be a very good april fools joke), so April sponsorships will be free with the purchase of a May spot! Yay!

Now enough of my ramblings, and onto April! A month where my parents are visiting, Fraser is off on practicum, and I'll be home healing and crafting my heart out! I've even started a shallow water aqua-size program! What fun! What are your big plans for the month? Any thoughts or tips on the blog advertising?


  1. If I had something to advertise, I'd be all over those muted rainbow ads! Of course, I don't have anything to advertise, except how cute my kid is, but since I make even less money than you do, my budget doesn't allow for such things. Poop. I'd probably be belligerent and demand a family discount too, which wouldn't help you much. Sigh. However, I AM thinking of coming to visit you in April, and we can eat ketchup soup together and play in the pool with Jean because that's free!

  2. I am looking forward to our visit! See you soon.

  3. I love it!!! I've added one of your buttons to my blog - Not sure how I didn't have one before!! I do need to make a new button for my blog now!!! I'm very interested in supporting your blog because I love what you do!!!

    1. Thanks Velma! I love all your geeky creations too :)
