
Saturday, April 21, 2012


Remember that fox pin I made last May when I went on my cruise? Well I decided I'd make a new fox head version of him and send it away to my craft swap partner with the wooden pendant I made! I am super pleased with how it turned out and think he is cuter than ever! Take a peek:

Isn't he sweet? I knew Carmila had a soft spot for foxes so I figured her own hand sewn brooch would be perfect for our swap! Here's a peek of him from the back:

I may need to make another one of these for myself because I think he would be just perfect on a cardigan for spring! Maybe I'll even make a few more and list them in the shop! As for the craft swap, I was happy to hear Carmila loved her new goodies and even did a post showing off the pin:

I even got my parcel in the mail too! I am over the moon about all the lovely goodies she made for me and just need to take some pictures to share them with you! Have you ever done a craft swap? Would anyone be interested in doing another if I held one?


  1. I'd join a swap if you held one! :)

  2. Yay! I'll have to host one even if it only ends up being you and me Amanda! They're so much fun!

  3. That fox is adorables!!! I love craft swaps and of course would join in on yours!!!!!

  4. I'd love to be in a swap you ran!

  5. I would tentatively do one, but probably only in the summer when Neal and I both have time off and can swap child rearing duties...

  6. Totally jealous of whoever got this!
