
Friday, April 27, 2012

Friday Find: Whipstitch Fabrics

Today's find is the awesome online fabric shop my stitch swap partner Stacee works for, Whipstitch Fabrics (although I do believe she works for the actual shop and not necessarily just the online version)! I do enjoy some lovely cotton shopping and since my love for fabric branches much beyond the limited selection available locally, online shopping is the next step! I'm so happy I came across this etsy shop and am totally swooning over loads of their prints:

Oh my! The sewing possibilities! And with 31 pages of fabric swatches to browse through you're destine to find just the print you've been dreaming of! They've even got lots of fun patterns on their too to fulfill all your sewing inspiration needs. Hooray! Now comes the hard part - choosing what to buy! What do you think?


  1. The tree and the typewriter are awesome!

    You can make textile greeting cards out of them! I'm sort of obsessed with greeting cards right now XD

  2. Fabric! Now you are talking about my language! Mom

  3. These are awesome! I love online fabric stores, though I've only ever purchased from, which is mostly aimed at quilters, though it does have some great stuff for babies too. I might have to check out Whipstitch too!
