
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Goats and Engagement.

Last Thursday was quite the day. It started off with some monsoonal rain downpour on my way to work and as my morning went on, the skies cleared and it turned into a beautiful spring day! Once I got off, Fraser and I headed downtown for a celebratory long weekend lunch and a bit of shopping! Hooray! I picked up a jewelry polishing cloth I'd been thinking about for ages (I do have quite the collection of tarnished sliver these days) and enjoyed the scenery. Just check out that gorgeous blooming tree:

Next Fraser took us to the petting zoo at the park in hopes of seeing some alpacas (I do love me some alpaca)! It was great! There were loads of peacocks, baby piggies, silly looking ducks, alpacas (yay), and some adorable baby goats:

And just when I thought the goats couldn't get any cuter, we entered the petting area. How couldn't it be awesome with a sign like this at the gate:

Well as it turned out, that sign was totally necessary because beyond the gate was an entire pen of super cute baby pygmy goats. Aww! They were fluffy, adorable, and extra tiny! They are like the kittens of the goat world! Take a peek at Fraser and one of the cuties:

Eee! Oh it was just the sweetest thing ever - and there were loads of them. Not sold on how small they are? Take a gander at this kid sized herd:

Overload of cuteness! Look at this little scamp handing out on top of his mom:

You should have heard their little baby pygmy goat sounds too - like itty bitty "maaaaaa"s all over the place. I am pretty sure I was hyperventilating in how awesome it was. So much adorable! After calming down a smidge Fraser and I went for a stroll around the rest of the park and soak up the sunny day. Heck even the palm trees were thriving:

Fraser directed me down a little quiet path and when I turned around he was on one knee. In his hand was the most wonderful gold ring and Fraser proposed. I said yes. Okay - so in actuality I was an overwhelmed blubbering mess and I'm sure it was more of a nod than anything audible - but you get the gist. Yay! We're engaged - and have a wonderful new ring to wear on my left hand:

We had been looking at gems together for quite some time and decided that the blue green montana sapphire was totally the way to go. They are interesting and unique and have the longevity and hardness of a sapphire! Fraser ended up finding the cushion cut stone online, drawing out the ring design on paper, and then had it custom made by a pair of English jewelers in town! The sapphire is surrounded by six little diamonds on a white gold strips and the sides have hearts on them:

What a beautiful surprise! I couldn't imagine a more perfect ring for me. I love how it isn't traditional, it won't get caught on my nylons when I put them on, and it isn't overly frilly (but has the little side hearts for a cute and subtle girly touch). I especially love seeing it on my finger as it reminds me how wonderful it is to be engaged to Fraser!

Hooray! Unfortunately I've only had one week to enjoy the engaged life with Fraser since he is off to Kamloops today to start his practicum. Rats. Oh well, at least I have a nice ring to keep me company and one heck of an engagement story. I mean how many engagements involve baby pygmy goats?


  1. Exciting! Congrats lady--and I love the little hearts on the side, very cute! And goats! *dies of teh cute*

  2. Congratulations! What a beautiful ring!

  3. Every picture I notice something different about it. I seriously need to see this thing in person. I really like the original design. and the big stone. and the awesome proposal! and the goats!

  4. Eeeek! Congrats! What a great engagement story! You'll never look at goats the same way again! :)

  5. Congratulations! That is an adorable story and a wonderful unique ring. I wish you all the best!

  6. love your story!!! SO happy for you and LOVE your ring!!!

  7. Perfection. And baby goats are called kids, so that kid-sized herd is, like, double perfect!

  8. Jeff, Irafell (I don't know how to spell her name and am too lazy to go upstair to find the correct spelling) are at Grandpas . We are going out there for dinner and to meet the baby. I finished the quilt for her and it was supposed to be easy but It wasn't. Thank God for stitch rippers!!!!!!!! Your Dad has the big bosses at work today so he was on edge this morning. I still have to wrap up the parcel and make a salad to take with us. Love you Mom

  9. Yay, what a great engagement story! Congratulations!! ^_^

  10. It really is a lovely engagement story, it made me smile(: Congratulations Kate!
    Your ring really is beautiful <3

    have an awesome day!

    P.S. I got your package! and I love everything! I cant stop wearing the necklace and the little fox is really awesome, thank you so much!!


    1. Yay! I'm so happy to hear you liked your goodies :) I really wanted to make things you'd like and remembered how you liked foxes! I'm so happy you like everything!

  11. Your ring is so unique and so lovely - it was made custom, just for you! CongRATS to you both Kate! - Amy

  12. Oh my goodness! This is huge! Congrats to the both of you. I bet Fraser is so happy. And that ring... Lovely!

  13. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!! I'm so excited! Also my grandma reads your blog everyday and was excited too but doesn't know how to comment lol. So this is a two in one!


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