
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Herbs - Round Two.

Apparently my herb gardening skills are lacking because the lovely thriving herbs I had going in February (link) are almost all dead. I think I under and then over watered them and half of them got some spiderweb-y mold on them and they all died off. Parsley is making a slight comeback and I'm trying my best not to kill him off a second time. Take a peek at their sad state:

Shucks! Looks like fresh herbs just aren't my thing. I figure I'd give it one more go and invest in actual potting soil and some larger pots! I figure if I manage to keep this round of herbs alive they can eventually be moved out to the patio in the summer. I bought another mint plant and got some rosemary and cilantro seeds. Check out round two:

The mint seems to be doing quite well and I am trying my very best not to neglect and then over water them. There are even some little sprouts popping up in the cilantro pot but I may need to buy another rosemary seed package since there is no progress there...oh well. I'll wait a few weeks and see what happens. Here's to hoping I can keep these babies alive! Any tips for me? Any pro herb growers out there?


  1. They look good! My mint has taken over my garden, which is kinda good for me, but apparently other people don't enjoy rampant herbs as much as I do so it's something to keep in mind should you end up planting them in the ground ~_^

  2. Rosemary takes forever, so don't give up on it! It's one of those lives-for-years plants, so it'll pay off eventually. Especially somewhere like Victoria, where you could leave it out on the patio all year round.

  3. I killed an entire potted herb garden once while I was housitting. I watered it too much and then I realised that there were no drainage holes in the pots (essential when you are heavy on the aqua)...Now, all pots must have holes.
