
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Wooden Pendant Time

When I was brainstorming ideas to make for my new craft swap partner, I thought it would be fun to make some reversible wooden pendants. I ended up making three (one for my swap partner, one for me, and one for my sister's birthday). I didn't want to post about them until Carmila got her swap parcel in the mail (I wouldn't want to spill the beans) but since she got it (and liked it! Yay!) I can share them now!

They were a ton of fun to make but I went through a few rejects before getting some I was happy with. Fraser lend me a little hand drill to use to screw in eye hooks that make the wooden disks into pendants which was handy. It was a little tricky to get the screws to go in perfectly straight without splitting the wood so I guess I still have a ways to go before I've mastered that part of it. Then it was just a matter of painting them up and varnishing them! I went for a geometric pattern for my necklace:

I also went with some chevron stripes, sunburst, and heart patterns for the back/rest of the pendants:

Aren't they fun? I saved a little bit of time using masking tape to get straight lines and since I painted them all at the same time I only had to mix the colours up once! I contemplated using chain for the necklace part but ended up going with waxed cotton cord instead. I am so thrilled with that option since all I had to do was tie a slip knot and the necklaces can be adjusted to whatever length you fancy. Slip knots are much easier to tie than I thought they'd be and even look neat:

I used this you tube video to figure out the knots and it worked like a charm! I totally want to make more of these to sell this summer at craft shows. What do you think of them? Which designs do you like best? Any thoughts on pricing?


  1. These look great Kate! I'm a big fan of the chevrons and the heart designs.

  2. I love the second and the third one the most! :)
    Price.. don't know, it's always difficult!

  3. They look great! I love the chevrons ^_^ I'd pay between $30 and $40 for one, I think ^_^

  4. I LOVE THEM ALL! You need to sell these. I would say $28, but you know my pricing. Frick, I love them. you just need a table top vice to hold the disk while drilling (but be sure to put a protective barrier between the disk and vice).

  5. Another beautiful creation by my youngest daughter!

  6. Tres cool. I'd charge between 20 and 25 dollars probably. It depends how time consuming they are. I think you could make a big profit at the price and balance out people's innate stinginess.

  7. You really did an awesome job! I can't stop wearing mine! I truly love it <3
    You should definitely sell them, I can't suggest you a price because range prices are VERY different here and there... but I can tell you that Im sure people will love them and buy them for sure(;

    have a lovely day, Kate!


  8. Awesome! What are the odds that you two would swap! So glad to have both of you in aceo-x. I really love the chevron one the most I think! :)

  9. Your painted wooden pendants are really nice. I went out and bought some wooden shapes in various size to decorate and give as gifts for upcoming birthdays this summer. I was able to get some inspiration by seeing your finished work. I might do flowers and hearts on mines!
