
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

April Showers bring May Flower (earrings?)

Boy oh boy is time ever flying these days! I've spent the last few days frantically crafting up a storm in preparation for my trip to the interior this month so I can restock my consignment shops. It's a great opportunity for me to see how things are selling, touch base with the shop owners, and make a little extra money! I also decided with this round to keep a few pairs for myself. Usually I am all about producing and shipping things off but since the regulars at work always pay special attention (and comment) on the earrings I wear, I figured keeping some fresh pairs to show off would be a great idea for some extra crafty advertising. Here's the handful of special ones I couldn't part with:


It's quite the coral and minty teal cocktail of flowery goodness! April showers are supposed to bring May flowers right? So this year I figure flower earrings are just as good! Yay! Now I just need to remember to carry cards with me so every time a stranger compliments my ear adornment I can slip in some potential sales. Sounds like a solid plan right? 

I've also come to the realization that my craft time management scheduling needs to change. I always figure I can get more done in a limited amount of time and somehow seem to get sucked into a crafting time sucking vortex! Ah! Sure I figure in theory I can finish all those earrings in one day and package them up right? Nope - three days later I'm still working away and cursing myself for not being productive enough. Alas. At least I really enjoy all my crafting time and now that I'm realizing how time consuming each craft task is I will hopefully be better at properly estimating how long each step will take me. Funny how it has taken me a good three years to figure this out, but it did leave me wondering if I am the only one who is so lousy at crafting time management. So let's discuss! How do you plan out your projects? Are you an over or under time estimater? Any tips for better productivity? Are low crafting expectations the key to success?


  1. you know that I'm bad at time management... :)

  2. I don't manage my time at all. Oh, the pleasure of being a stay at home wife! Mom

  3. I wonder if you would be a faster crafter if you listened to music (supposed to speed you up running, so why not crafting?) instead of watching movies. I know I don't knit as quickly as I could if I look at the tv occasionally.

    You might want to also try scheduling your crafting in like work (yeah, I know, I know, gross right?). If you know that you'll be crafting in a four hour stretch, just like a short shift at work, with a 15 minute coffee break, you might be more productive.

  4. I'm terrible at time management, so I have no advice for you! But I love those earrings - especially the mint green ones ^_^
