
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Smelly Sachets

Pretty much every project they post about on the Purl Bee I fall in love with. It's like Molly has a little window into my mind where she picks out little snipits to turn into project she knows I'll like! Okay, so I know the blog isn't actually focused in pleasing me, but it sure feels that way sometimes. Their lavender sachet post particularly caught my attention for this reason, since I similarly have had an evolving relationship with lavender! 

I'm not sure why I hated it so much growing up, but at some point my scent sensors (oo, say that ten times fast) morphed and went from "lavender = vile stinky weed" into "lavender = lovely and aromatic reminder of mom's garden!" Now I can't seem to get enough of lavender and besides it's medical uses (it does wonders on my skin rashes and blemishes), I love smelling fresh lavender around the house. Enter Purl Bee's sachets:

Aren't they charming? What a great way to use up loads of special fabric scraps and scent every drawer in your house! Heck, they may even do a number of my coffee drenched dress code drawer! What a thought! Looks like the perfect little project for me and a potentially fun new product to sell at craft shows. Perhaps I could do a little embroidery or screen printing (oOoOo) on them? What fun! 

The reason I wanted to post about these lavender sachets today is because I am driving home to Kamloops for a little mini break! Hooray! And although I have now killed countless lavender plants in our apartment in Victoria, my mom is the master of front yard gardening and has loads of lavender plants in Kamloops that thrive! Oh am I ever jealous. Here's to hoping I can harvest myself some lavender while I'm there so experiment with my own take on such lovely smelling sachets. It may be a little early in the year to hope for blooms...but it is May now so a girl can dream. Wish me luck!


  1. These would be perfect for the lavender I picked up in Victoria!

  2. I love these! I'd love to make a whole bunch. They seem like great gifts, too. Hope your ferry ride is going well so far (it's 1:20, so I assume you're on the boat). Have a fun trip to Kamloops! Wish I was with you!
