
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Squirrly Markers

I feel like lately every tutorial I come across I am dying to try out. Sure, I sift through hundreds of blog posts and sites a day but I think the internet craft gods must be with me because boy am I ever finding some sweet ideas! These herb plant markers from Say Yes to Hoboken are certainly no exception and unlike lots of other DIYs I find - I even have (almost) all the supplies on hand! Don't you with your plants were labeled so awesomely?


Ah! Overload of cute! I must say I have been waiting for another excuse to add more squirrels into my decor and I think this is it! I mean it's fate right? I even have the exact same squirrel cookie cutters from Ikea (I made sugar cookies with them at xmas) and everything! Yay! I am lacking the fancy alphabet stamp to make the labels with...but I'm sure I can brainstorm some sort of substitute. Now time to bring on the sculpy! What are your thoughts? Do you ever label your plants?


  1. I'm glad I brought that sculpy home for you. These look like a lot of fun!

  2. Boo erased comment! TWICE! Stupid blogger.

    Cute squirrels. I'd make xmas ornaments out of them too.

  3. These look great!!! I need to force myself to get crafty more often!!
