
Sunday, May 13, 2012

tea without mom

This past week I went through some old photo albums in the hope of finding some nice pictures to put up in the new collage picture frames I picked up. I quickly realized that 1) my mom took some nice pictures of us as kiddies and 2) there are absolutely zero pictures of her! Oh dear! Looks like my new frames won't showcase the complete family until I do further digging! In the mean time - check out some nice snaps shots from 1986: 

Aww. How darling! Looks like I was always a tea party fan (and I rocked the stripes)! Happy Mother's Day Mom!


  1. Your Mom took some of the most adorable pictures ever! Happy Mother's day Beryle!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. We were sure cute! Nice mullets, too! I wonder what we were using the shovels for.
