
Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Looks like going through old blog drafts is more fun than I had thought and I can't believe I didn't blog about this one before. A long time ago Molly from Wild Olive did a post where she admitted how each time she writes "yay" in a post, she secretly (well, not so secretly now) thinks about Kermit's waving his hands in the air enthusiastic "yaaaaayyyyy!"  Priceless. I am one in the same with Molly and also imagine (and often actually say out loud - with hand movements), "Yaaaaayyyyy" all Kermit style when I'm pumped about something. She even made an adorable image to go with it:

Yaaaaayy! I love Kermit, and the muppets, and if you haven't seen it yet, the new muppet movie! What fun! Oh Kermie, I love you. 

What a glamor shot! Today I'm heading to Kelowna with some lovely lady pals for a fun packed day filled with some crafty consignment selling, shopping, and (I'm sure) many Kermit "Yaaaayyyyy!"-worthy moments. Wish us luck! What are your plans for the day? Do you love the muppets as much as I do?


  1. I LOVE the Muppets!!!! I get onto my friends if their kids have not seen essential muppet movies or shows!!!
    Today I'm feeling a little sick - bleh! So I went to work for part of the day and now I'm home watching TV :)

  2. You don't have to imagine me doing this... Yaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy!!!!

  3. Oh, your day sounds like lots of fun! Today I am up before the sun to go to work >_< I wish I could be at home watching the Muppets instead! ^_^

  4. I LOVE Kermie, and I can't believe I didn't pick up on the Kermie "Yaaaaayyyyy!!!!" until the end of the post! So rad. Hope your trip is fun!
