
Sunday, June 3, 2012

If only I grew strawberries!

I saw this project the other day during my daily internet rounds and just had to share it! I may not have a garden full of strawberries, but one day I will and this will be the greatest craft ever! Behold - strawberry painted rocks: 

So why the rocks you may wonder? To trick the birds into staying away from your precious (and extra delicious) home grown berries! Hooray! All you need to do is paint them up, scatter them around your strawberry plants in the spring,  and then watch the birds' disappointment when they try to eat your rocks! Apparently the birds quickly learn that there is no reward in swooping into your strawberry bushes and will leave you with an ample (not pecked at) strawberry crop!  Yay!

Although I'm sure you could figure out how to make these on your own, there are instructions here to make it that much easier for you! I think it would be hilarious to sneak them in my mom's garden when Leslie is visiting and watch her try to eat a rock, but then again, both of them read this so I may have let the cat out of the bag on that one...oh well. What do you think? Do you have bird eating berry problems in your garden?


  1. Ha! Stupid birds!

  2. Haha Fraser!
    Strawberries are really excellent for container gardening. Canadian Tire has absolutely HUGE hanging strawberry planters full of zillions of plants for $16.99 right should get some strawberry plants to satisfy your crafting urge!

  3. That's a great idea and they look so pretty! :)

  4. These are so cute and so clever! Whenever I used to grow strawberries, they were always eaten up by my parent's dog ... I wonder if this painted rock trick works on other species as well? ~_^

  5. Oh, this is perfect for father's day. Something nabbed the first berry from my dad's new strawberry garden last week.
