
Friday, June 1, 2012


Yay! It's June! Another month is upon us and I've got loads of goals! Number one on the list? Crafting - and lately its involved a whole lot of paint mixing on my end:

In fact, I've really been enjoying whipping up some muted tones and I didn't realize how much I love just working with colours! Fraser even took me to Michael's the other day and got me a few new paintbrushes too! What fun! Once I'm done my current painting project, I've got loads of other crafty delights up my sleeve and I'll be filling you in along the way on all my crafty progress! Hooray!

As for other June festivities, we've got Fraser's 32nd bday coming up tomorrow (yes! tomorrow! What an old man!), some specialist appointments for me (yay getting healthier!), and a few projects around the house just in case the crafting somehow manages to not take up any glimpses of spare time.  I've also been giving a lot of thought to wedding plans (*gasp*) and am ever thankful that I am friends with an event planner! So far my wedding thoughts are:

1. No ceremony, no fluffy dress, no frills
2. My guest list needs dramatic cut backs in order to have a venue I'd like
3. This is already more work than I imagined
4. Casual is the way to go on this one - it's a celebration after all! 
5. The will be pom poms. (oh yes, lots of pom poms)

Here's to hoping June is one of the best months ever and exceeds any expectations I've set out for myself. I'd also love to point out the charming sponsors for this month and the blog and encourage you to take a peek into those four lovely ladies blogs for some non-kate reading! If you're kicking yourself for missing out on sponsorship (shucks, I read minds don't I?), it's never too late to ad swap! Drop me a line and we'll chat! Also if anyone has handfuls of advice for a "non-reception" type wedding I'm all ears! What are your June plans?


  1. Old man Fraser's plan for June is to get enough credits to get a Bachelor of Education! Wheeee!!!

  2. OK so I'm not sure if you know this or were talking about me but I am pretty much an event planner! (2 courses away from a diploma in it!) hehe soooo OF COURSE I have a million ideas!!!!! I think I'll start a Pinterest Board called Kate's Wedding today... Yup. Doing it. I'll be compiling a large bundle of info and we'll discuss it at length next month when I visit. YAY!!!!!

  3. I also used some Pom poms in my wedding. In fact, I wish I had used more! You may be able to see a few pics on Facebook.
