
Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday Find: Loft Full of Goodies!

Guess what? I love wool felt! Haha! No surprises there! Today's find is one Etsy shop jam packed with simply lovely wool felt goods and is no exception to my felt loving ways. Check out some amazingly awesome felt products from Loft Full of Goodies:


Eeee! What gorgeous colours, stitching, and felt texture! Just as the shop tag line says, these are certainly happy handmade goodies for all occasions! It totally makes me want to get my needle and thread out, but instead I'll just drool over these while I keep myself extra busy with the craft sale this weekend. Hooray! Which goodie do you like best?


  1. I think I like the leaf brooch the best!

  2. I agree :-) I like the autumnal leaves best. Lovely warm colours.

  3. i absolutely love her coin purses - they would be perfect for taking to the farmers market...
