
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

a quarter well spent.

Last week I shared a tutorial on how to turn a dish into a pin cushion (link) and totally fell in love with the simple and handy idea! I filed it in the back of my mind and kept on with my regular scheduling. Well, this past Saturday we drove past an estate sale and Fraser suggested we take a peek! I always tell him how much I love the idea of estate sales (well, not the whole dead person bit...) and since old people have way cooler stuff than the young folks (who typically hold garage sales) - we stopped in! There was quite the selection of paintings (actually, a ridiculous amount of paintings) as well as some lovely antique furniture! Although I swooned over the silverware and china sets, they were out of my spur of the moment (a.k.a how much cash I had in my wallet) budget and I decided to pick up this dish:

Isn't it darling? I figured it was certainly worth the 25 cents they were asking for it and proudly took it home. Now all I had to do was epoxy on some super strong magnets...

...and bam! - instant amazing poppy dish pin holder! Check it out:

Yay! I was a little doubtful of how well the pins would hold through the thick ceramic but they claimed to be super strong on the package and those pins seem to be holding on for dear life:

Ahha! How lovely! I am thrilled to no longer have to deal with my broken disaster of a pin cushion and instead use this classy looking DIY bargoon. It has also got me hooked on going to estate sales and ever since I've been roaming the internet looking for freebie antiques and sales! What fun! Are you a vintage bargain hunter?