
Monday, August 6, 2012

Auntie Kate

Last week I got the opportunity to hang out with my niece Jean for a few days. I've only really seen her in person two times before and now that she's talking and moving about she is much more entertaining! She is one cute and happy little kid and although I had nightmares about uncontrollable crying and getting kicked out of our building, Jean was pretty great! It was nice to see my sister too, but I'm sure she was happy Auntie Kate was around to wrangle with her little munchkin for a while. 

When she's not running track around the house, stealing your seat and giggling, or rearranging things - it was pretty safe to say Jean was getting into the shoe closet and trying something on. She seemed to quickly fall for one of my pairs of black flats and would run around the house saying "my new shoes!" Good thing you're cute Jean...

I think they might be a bit big...

We also had fun going down to Beacon Hill Park and checking out the children's farm. Jean is getting to know her animals and although horses are "neigh neighs" and roosters are "doodles" (for cock-a-doodle-do I believe), she seemed to enjoy the park and it was fun seeing all the peacocks hanging around:

The goats were another fave and although she was too afraid to do more than poke one the rest of the week she's grab my phone or ipad and ask me to show her the goats on them. She also decided that washing her hands was the most fun activity of all:

Even though our visit was short (and I worked every day she was here), I think we had a pretty fun time and hopefully Jean will remember the trip fondly. I even got to take her to a park nearby where Jean had a blast playing and Leslie tried to avoid heart attack while Jean climbed on everything:

Hooray! What a cute kid! In other good news, there's another baby on the way too! Yup - my sister is pregnant again and come xmas they'll be another little bundle of joy I'll get the pleasure to play with once a year! Yay!


  1. being an aunt is so fun!!! I married into 5 nieces and nephews that I love dearly. But it has been extra special when my sister had a baby and I've gotten to spoil him. I can't wait until he is big enough to spend a few days with just me!!!!
    You are a sweetie aunt!!!

  2. You are Jean's favourite and bestest aunt by far! Also, she IS really cute. I think she misses her new shoes though. Luckily her birthday is only a couple of months away!
