
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Bastion Square Market Recap - vol v!

We woke up to a glorious day on Sunday which was just perfect for a day at the market! The drive downtown was quite pleasant and Fraser and I enjoyed our new car pal - Mr. Bull.  I nicknamed Fraser's car "The Bull Ship" based on his license plate "BSP" so when my mom brought me this adorable little cow key chain we decided he would have to hang up in the car! Isn't he sweet?  

With heat in the forecast I decided to dress up in my best summer attire and sported a nice old lady chic skirt I bought from a thirft store last summer and overhauled. I also figured it would be a great chance to wear my vintage style geek glasses to really top the look off. We were back in our old spot this week and as always the day started off a little cool (perfect cardigan weather) and as the sun shifted onto our tent the layers could be peeled off! Hooray!

After getting all set up and ready to go our neighbouring vendor got moved to a different spot and my L shaped set up looked sort of odd without someone beside us on the right side. With little time to spare, I decided to switch up the set up and flip the entire display the other way! It turned out to be easier than I thought and opened up the tent display for customers to walk on in!

I did a little crafting this week to restock some items and also made a new card showing the contents of my postcard sets. Rather than customers trying to riffle through my neatly sorted packages they can take a glance at this baby and see the sets with ease:

I've even got my new sets on the backside:

Haha! I am thrilled with the updated card and once again appreciate the convenience and awesomeness of having my own laminater! Yay!

The market itself was a bit on the slow side, but I did make a few sales and got to meet a bunch of nice people! I also really enjoyed the cute dogs hanging around too:

If I lived near an Ikea I would totally pick up one of their rad pet dishes to bring water for the pups to drink from, but since there aren't any on the island I guess I'll just have to keep my eyes peeled for a cheap one! For the time being I will have to suffice with stuffed pets and by the end of a long hot day at the market I was stoked to have the car all packed up and see Mr. Bull greeting me again:

Aww, such a cute gimpy smile that cow has! This week I'm hoping to get a bit more crafting in and prepare for another market next Sunday! Anyone else do weekly markets? Any tips?

1 comment:

  1. pet dishes would be awesome. What would happen if you put Fraser's cats on them though?
