
Sunday, September 2, 2012

BSSM - vol vii!

Today is my last run vending at the Bastion Square Sunday Market this summer so I had better recap my experiences from last week before I get too far behind! Apparently Jim moving in ended up consuming all my spare time this week so I haven't got around to much photo uploading - but better late than never right? Okay! Let's start off my seventh day at the market by seeing what a fun outfit Lindsay and Hetty picked out for me:

What fun! I really liked having girls around to help me chose market wardrobes but as it would turn out, the weather was extra chilly and my teal and red polka dots were pretty much concealed the entire day under my windbreaker long coat! Oh dear! This week I'll be sure to avoid being chilly and will bundle up with loads of layers to avoid freezing. Sure it seems nice and sunny out - but standing still in the shade all day is cold work! Good thing I had lots of help from the girls:

Not only did they braid my hair and pick out my outfit, but they were amazing booth mates and really showcased some of my handmade goods. It was handy having an extra hand or two when the booth got busy with people and it also let me spend a little extra time chatting with customers! How lovely!

This week I also got to use my new stamped bags Heather and I made (link) and I even put out a nice fan of blogness cards behind my business card display plate:

It was great having them out in the open for people to snag if I got distracted and forgot to mention them (which, in all honesty, happens all the time). The little metal sign holder thing we got from the packaging warehouse certainly did the trick and although it was a bit of a tight squeeze to get all the cards in there I love how it looks all fanned out:

Yay! It turned out to be a pretty slow day for the market for some reason but with the girls by my side we had one heck of a wonderful Sunday. Heck - we even had some wonderful live entertainment just down the street (who nicely posed for me when I went to take a picture of them!):

That's right - a banjo and a horn - we were spoiled! Hopefully my last run at the market today goes well (and more prepared with extra layers) and even though I am sad that Lindsay isn't joining me, Hetty has decided to help me out again so at the very least we'll fill the day with puppy watching and socializing. Sounds good to me! Wish us luck!


  1. It was a great day, pretty much the best of my summer. I enjoyed Hetty's knowledge of Dogs! I hope you two had fun today.

  2. Great! You look fabulous with this red dress!!
