
Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday Find: Arc of Time

Today's find is the perfect accessory for the sewing enthusiast - a vintage spool ring from Arc of Time (link)! Just check out how cute this red one is:


Oh how darling! It is certainly a unique and bold ring, and I really like how sweet and one of a kind they are! Not into red? Take a look at these other options (and one with a button!!):


I'm pretty sure the warm lighting and sewing bits and bobs really sway my opinion on these, but I just love them! I'm a little concerned about how it would wear with the wood, thread, and paper on them after a few hand washes but I guess if you're going for unique and vintage there aren't many options! What do you think? Do you wish you had more spools in your wardrobe? 


  1. Wow, those are so cool! I love the idea! Might be hard to wear and you would definitely have to take it off to wash your hands, but it just might be worth it!

  2. Wow! They are totally amazing! I totally do want more spools in my wardrobe now! ^_^

  3. These remind me of the taiwanese boat rings that were at the market. but I think these are way cooler.
