
Friday, September 7, 2012

Friday Find: Wayward Traders

Even though we've still got plenty of weeks before Halloween, it seems like spooky crafts are peeking up all over the internet! When I saw this adorable coffin cutie by Wayward Traders (link) I totally wanted to share it as my Friday Find!


Ah! So much cute I can't handle it! I love the attention to detail on this guy (and his matching coffin) and I'm also quite fond of the mossy background. With all the warhammer stuff Fraser works on all the time I'm finding I am increasingly drawn to cute skulls and although I am no longer a teenage girl (is it just me or do loads of teenagers love skulls?), it may be turning into an obsession! Hooray for cute skulls and neat crochet cuties! What do you think? Are you a skull fan? 


  1. I like this...Maybe you could make a coffin for Earl the Squirrel and dress him up as a ghost for Halloween?

  2. Its really cute! He would have to stay out year round though at my house.

  3. I really like them! I want one for Halloween ... but it'd probably be out all the time ^_^ I must still be a bit of a teenage girl because I still love skulls!

  4. So happy you enjoyed our first creation!
