
Thursday, September 13, 2012

My kind of project

Nothing like a three step craft project to make me feel extra productive! Just check out how cute these earrings are from How About Orange:


Ready for the directions? Let's go!

1. buy supplies (metal earring hoops and seed beads)
2. string beads onto wire
3. wear and enjoy your new earrings!

Ahaha! I told you it was easy - now to figure out what colour beads to buy. Hmm... What do you think? 


  1. I love these.
    I miss you.
    I hope you are alive.

  2. These are great, and so easy! When I have made them, I super glue the first and last bead so they don't slide off.

  3. They look great! I like the mustard coloured beads ^_^
