
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

My last market! BSSM - vol vii!

With summer coming to an end - so ends my run at the Bastion Square Sunday Market! It was quite adventure and I have certainly learned a lot about battling the wind at outdoor craft shows. I was prepared for a chilly day with loads of layers this week and as it turned out, the sun was nice and warm and once we got into the afternoon it was time to take some of those layers off! I had originally decided to wear some jeans for the day but after putting them on (and seeing how ill fitting they were) I switched back to old faithful (a jersey skirt and tights). Fraser later told me that, "you don't wear pants Kate - you're a tights and skirt girl!"  Thanks Fras - you're right. You just can't beat that waistband free comfort. Here I am bright and cheery and ready for sales:

Heather was nice enough to join me for the day and we had a great time chatting and enjoying all the customers and dogs walking by. Heather even helped me set up and I love the double fan she did with my blogness cards:

I always seem to want things "just so" when I set up, but it is nice to get a second person in to spice things up a bit. Plus Hetty is always a joy - just look how enthused she is here!:

Best news of the day? I bought a fold up stool last week and even though it was my very last show - I am overjoyed with how nice it was! Finally I could sit down a bit during the day and still be up high and connected to talk with people checking out my stall. Yay!

My body has certainly been thanking me for the extra time off my old lady joints and it really let me last market go out with a bang! Apparently Heather and I were on fire with the earring sales and had my most successful day yet! Go Labor Day long weekend! Hooray! Now to get some consignment sales shipped out, scout out xmas shows, and maybe even post some items on etsy! Woo woo! Thanks for the great summer of craft shows Victoria!


  1. i am so glad you had such a great run! i love the business card "fan" out idea, very cute!

    the mister and i went antiquing this past weekend and i found this amazing victorian plush chair, it was a perfect shade of grass green. kevin joked that could be my chair at craft shows! hahah can you imagine walking into someone's both and they are sitting there relaxing in a super comfy chair?! sounds dreamy to me!

  2. This looks amazing. I love Hetty's scarf! woo hoo!
