A few weeks ago
moo.com approached me about featuring
my thumbs up yeti postcard on their site sometime in the future. Well, not surprisingly, this totally made my day and ever since I've been keeping a keen eye on their site and blog to see if yeti shows up anywhere there. No luck on the yeti sightings, but I did catch these
amazing cut out cards from
Idle Afternoon:
What a fantastic idea for business cards! No throwing out for these babies - they are so charming and zombie related! Awesome! They also totally make me want to make my own anthropomorphic geekery line for
my shop too! How fun would it be to act out your own yeti/jackelope/pinecone adventures? Maybe some dino fun too? OooOO! Or microbes!?! What do you think?
(From the point of view of Thumbs Up Yeti)
ReplyDelete"They love me! They really love me!"
That's super cool. Moo makes amazing stuff.
I now know why I spent the entire Twilight movie thinking they were zombies! Constantly "enjoy her Jacob, because she's jumping on the zombie train!"
(I watched for free on the internet, btw)