
Sunday, July 17, 2011

what i wore: harry potter party

Even though I don't get to join in all the fun of seeing the final Harry Potter film in theatres (movies on the big screen give me motion sickness), I did get to attend a fabulous HP party at Sarra's new apartment giving me the perfect opportunity to whip out my Gryffindor costume:

Isn't it fun? My mom and I made the cloaks back in 2005 (well, mom made the cloak and I made the felt gryffindor patch) for a "dress as your favourite fictional character from a children's novel" party I attended with my sister. I picked up our wands at the Kelowna farmer's market (where I was living at the time) and mom (once again to the rescue) sewed our maroon ties and knit us scarves too! Here we are in our matching attire:

More than just my hair changed in the last six years - I swapped out the pants and loafers for a skirt, tights, and flats for a more updated (and less Ron Weasley-like) version of Hogwart's student. Just take a peek at my outfit under the cloak:

And to keep the crafty wonderfulness going I even upcycled my skirt from a very matronly old lady $3 number I picked up at a thrift store. Check out the awesome before and after shot:

Amazing what a little cleaning, hemming, and ironing can do! I actually thought I made the skirt a little bit shorter than I had hoped (no skanky mini skirts for me!) but once I tried it on with the rest of my costume I felt better about the alterations and I do love skirts with pockets! I even tried to keep up the Harry Potter fun in my accessories too:

Didn't Fraser do a wonderful job of photographing me this time? We had loads of fun playing in the front yard with the camera and by the end I was even casting spells on him:

Outfit details: cloak, scarf, and tie = homemade (thanks mom!), white dress shirt = swapped, sweater vest = smart set sale rack in highschool, skirt = thrifted and modified, tights = joe fresh, flats = payless, owl ring = pike place market in may

After my posing and picture taking fun was over, I picked up Lindsay and a huge bag of ice and we headed to the party! I (as usual) didn't do an amazing job of picture taking but I assure you it was wonderful! Sarra was wearing her dress robes and prepared an amazing HP/English/movie watching feast for us to enjoy! Her cousin even made golden snitch desserts:

Sarra made some delicious uplifting non-alcoholic potions for Lindsay and I and super tasty smelling butter beers for everyone else! We even had little bowls of treats around the house:

No spinach, liver, or tripe every flavour beans here! Oh what a great time it was and I do love any excuse to get into costume. So how about you? Any Harry Potter fans out there? Have you seen the movie yet? How will I survive the long wait for it to come out on video!? Eep!


  1. Your costume looks great! I like all the handmade and thrifty goodness ^-^ And, with your hair, you could totally fit it at a Weasley family reunion!

    I went and saw the movie in costume (loved it!) but my friend and I were the only people dressed up! Oh no! It was ok though - our costumes were pretty awesome thanks to my friend's mad fashion design skillz. Some people even asked for our photo!

    And to pass the time til the video release, I recommend re-reading all the books ^_^

  2. I can hardly wait to see the movie. I think I will wait until the line ups are shorter.

  3. Okay. I am not a harry potter person at all. But I think this post is absolutely amazing, and I was chuckling to myself reading it.

    I mean, madame, you are made of awesome. Pure awesomeness. Just in case you didn't know.

  4. I love it! It's so, so, so cute!!! Now I really want to have a Harry Potter costume. Too bad it's all over. ;)

  5. Oh my goodness I love it!!!! You did such a great job!!!!!!!

  6. Thanks for coming!!! It was lovely and the majority of the food did turn out well!
