
Saturday, October 20, 2012


Is it just me or does the xmas stuff seem to come out earlier and earlier each year. Sure Costco had trees out in August, but when I went out grocery shopping this Thursday I discovered that Superstore had all their festiveness on! Trees, decorations, wrapping - the works. Perhaps Canada is trying to take after our neighbours to the south and roll it all out right after Thanksgiving? Isn't it pushing it a bit? There were isles upon isles of holiday cheer vomited all over the right half of the store.  Although I am certainly not prepared to start thinking about the holidays, I was pleasantly surprised by this very lovely ugly xmas sweater inspired tray I spotted:

I am a such sucker for browsing the kitchen section and I tend to have an especially soft spot for trays.  Luckily I am fully stocked on trays at home (which I use all the time for working on crafts on the couch) so this was wasn't necessary but I do enjoy the knit motif.  I've also decided that taking pictures of things I like in stores is a great alternative to buying them. It let's me share and enjoy their cuteness, is remarkably less costly, and ends with me not having a house full of things I never get to use (especially holiday stuff that only comes out for one month of the year). What a plan!

So what do you think? How do you feel about stores putting out holiday merchandise in October? Am I the only one that feels like it's ridiculous? Would you have resisted the $14 knit deer tray?


  1. Skip the holiday tray. I like the idea of several non holiday items, but when they are together look like Christmas. You know when there is a gold tray paired with a green and white striped one, they could be Easter or summer, but they could also be Christmas. Yay for multi purpose. Now that I think of it, that tray could be a great accent idea to go with the other trays. Why am I still commenting?

  2. I really like the knit design but I would have resisted, mainly because I already have too many trays! ~_^

    I think that having Christmas things out in October is a bit much, but I do have an exception: craft stores. The craft stores here starting having Christmas craft supplies towards the end of September which I think is pretty resonable, if you're planning on crafting lots of things by December.
