
Saturday, March 13, 2010

Buttons Galore!

At last the pictures of my new pinback buttons are complete! (After I sorted and organized them from their massive nom-tastic pile). Now I just need to sprinkle them into my etsy shop over the next few days hopefully resulting in ample views, hearts, and sales! Woo! Take a look - it's certainly clear to see which set is my favourite (and my mom's too! She's sporting them on her coat right now!!!):

Pretty much every time I try to take button pictures I think, "Boy - do I ever need to get/make another lightbox", especially after struggling with the pin's inconsistent lighting and uber shininess. Ack they're challenging! But overall I'm really happy with the new designs and imagines and thankful to my sis for all her wicked brainstorming! I'm also hopefully going to put some of my pins up for sale at the art gallery in town! Extra exciting!! Now I just need to tackle the rest of my etsy to do list! Oh and turn a bunch into magnets and add those to my "custom magnets" listing. All in good time...I hope...

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