
Monday, March 29, 2010

Mini Moo Order Freebies!

A few days ago my moo order arrived with a wonderfully charming box full of my custom created moo minicards! I had a great time playing with my wide set eye smile characters and transforming them into my latest promo freebie! Take a peek at the mini bookmark/gift tag goodness:

Man they are cute! I'm really pleased with how they turned out and think they will be a great addition to my etsy orders! I'm not so secretly hoping this will be turn into a successful marketing tool for my shop and blog but only time will tell...any thoughts?


  1. I had to hunt for your photo, (okay, click on the ? mark) and they are adorable. Mom

  2. These are seriously SO adorable!

  3. What a fabulous idea! They look wonderful! What was the name of this blog again? Scientific Culture and Leslie???

    Teehee :)

  4. Those are too cute! Must... make... purchase...
