
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday Update

Well since I didn't get around to dual postings on friday it looks like sunday is the the lucky winner of the extra blog post! Exciting things to chat about include: (oOo! A list!)

1. It's just chemistry!

TwighlighterVA was kind enough to include my labware pinback buttons in her lovely treasury of chemistry related goodies! What great geeky items etsy has and what a wonderful bunch to be included in! Take a peek at the live version here or glance at the picture above if you missed the listing. What fun!

2. Etsy Sales!

Not sure what triggered it, but my super slump of sales in the shop seems to be over! I've made 7 sales in just the last 2 days! How lovely! Perhaps this has to do with that treasury I mentioned above....except that my labware buttons haven't moved...hmm...

3. Bizarre Bazaar!

I've applied to become a part of Kamloops' thursday crafty event the "bizarre bazaar" held at the court house all summer long from 12 - 7. No word back yet on whether I've got in, but the president of the Kamloops Art Council did email me back so hopefully my chances are good! I'll be sure to keep you all updated so you can plan your road trips to Kamloops around my crafting schedule (haha)

4. Salmon Arm!

Speaking of road trips, I had a great one to Salmon Arm the other day! On the drive there and took my camera out of my bag to snap a few shots when I quickly realized that I should have checked my battery power before I left. Oh dear! No photographic evidence! But highlights of the trip included many great fabric finds, super cute sparrow silver earrings, and baby emus! Oh they were cute! Hopefully I'll have full battery power next time so I can show you all...


  1. Get any awesome baby presents in Salmon Arm? Did you walk on the pier? Was it nice out? *sigh* I can't wait to go to Salmon Arm this summer.

    Also, nice treasury -- don't you have a plastic glassware necklace kind of like the one posted? I can't believe those buttons aren't selling. They're so cute!

  2. I wear my geek buttons( aren't they related to lab wear!) all the time. mom
